My Blogger for biking from Nesselwang (Germany) to Diss (England)


Samstag, 18. August 2012

Day 13: Harwich - Diss

Woke up due to some music playing through the ships loudspeakers and after the music a female voice telling us if we wanted breakfast to go and get some.
At 6.30 it was then of the ship and through a pasport control. 
Then through english coastal landscape with not a single car on the road this early in the morning. Inevitable a few did appear later and as everybody had warned me some didn't really react properly to a biker. After some time it was of the roads and then through forests and fields. Cut myself on some brambles evading two dogs + owner going uphill and got stung by a few nettles, happened before. Then across paths in fields. In a straw field disaster struck. The farmer had pulled his straw over the path, completly right as it was his field, and I biked right through the straw. At some point my back gear got caught in some and was pulled up into my back wheel. Result: a.) myback gears have been demolished; b.) my wheel has been bent. Beyond fast repairs as I will need new gears.
Ringing around Mum somehow told me about a train 4km away from my position. Prepearing myself for a long walk I went along the roads but got a lift with a friendly older couple to the train station and then caught a train to Diss, where I was picked up by Grandma. And there it finishes, 1313 km of biking through nearly always sunshine. 10 days in Germany, 2 days in Holland and 1 hour in England is enough to wreck my bike. Had lots of fun (mostly) and can't wait to see the tracks and pictures on the computer. Not to forget I arrived just in time for a shower and chicken and mushroom pie.

Track at GPSies and pictures at Picasa.

Time in saddle: sry, my biking computer has reset it's self
Daily average speed:

Total time in saddle:
Total distance: 1313 km
Average speed:

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Max,
    Congratulations on your wonderful feat. You really can be proud of yourself. :)
    We're already looking forward to the pictures of your tour.
    Heinz, Mary and Tamara

  2. Hello Max,
    Great pictures of your tour.
    You really must have had an adventure-tour :)
    Heinz, Mary and Tamara
