My Blogger for biking from Nesselwang (Germany) to Diss (England)


Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Day 9: Bad Honnef - Düsseldorf

Again to early, but got strait up and went to breakfast. After a bit of breakfast it was back to packing my bike, talking to two Belgium guys which were cycling along the Rhein till Koblenz and then along the Mosel into France.
Then it was back on the bike. Early morning the ways are pretty empty, most people still have to get up. A few dogs with owners but otherwise empty. 
What has been an enoying fact the past days, that just at head hight on specific paths there are always clusters of small flies. In the sun you can see and evade them but when you haven't got a clue where they are you get them strait into the face. Don't know how many of them have been inhaled or digested but it hasen't been few.
Continued up the Rhein, at some point crossing it again, and went along mostly cycling paths. Good thing about being a biker is you can be classified as three different objekts: 1. a biker; 2. a person in the main traffic; 3. a pedestrian using help. I have switched between road, footpath and cyclepath and it has proofed to be very mobile in this citied region.
Reached Köln at about lunchtime. Got a picture and wanted an ice but it was just to full. Gave up after some time and continued on along my trail. Had lunch in a restaurant a few kilometres north of Köln ("Wiener Schnitzel" again :) and then it was on along a brilliant cyclepath, sometimes next to the B9. I managed to stay just above 30,0km/h for 10 km and nobody caught up then. It was taxing so no more of that today. I arrived at the Neuss-Uedesheim youthhostel at about three. A bit to early and it was only 90km. Düsseldorf was only another ten kilometres away so I said I would stay there (the english guy yesterday said it was good, too). Dodging building sites again I somehow got into Düsseldorf at rush hour time, not good. I was a bit overloaded with all the information of traffic and decided to just be a pedestrian in the end. Arrived at the youthhostel (thanks to GPS) and got a stay for the night with another person biking along the whole Rhein. He mentioned a few youthhostels in the Netherlands that i'll probably have a look at. After some chilly con carne it was of to bed with a thunderstorm raging outside, due to the long heat periode.

Track at GPSies and pictures at Picasa.

Time in saddle: 5 hours
Distance: 101,5 km
Daily average speed: 19,6 km/h

Total time in saddle: 54 hours 45 min.
Total distance: 934 km
Average speed: 

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